Every year, parents, teachers, and students purchase new school supplies, lose old supplies, and throw away tons of food and other school materials.…
Reducing waste leads to benefits such as decreased costs and increased income (if your school can find a buyer for your recycled materials), energy…, To get you started, the Environmental Protection Agency has a detailed guide on how to reduce waste in schools. The guide explains how schools,…, Don’t Buy What You Don’t Need — Before shopping for next year’s school supplies, look through last year’s and check for any items that can be reused…, Play First, Eat Later - Scheduling recess before lunch can reduce plate waste, the amount of food discarded by students, by as much as 30%.  …
The new year is a good time to make some changes. Most resolutions are based on personal goals or growth, but by the third week of January many of us…
Switching from paper to electronic billing helps the planet by reducing paper usage and cutting down on carbon emissions from paper production.…, While we’re on the topic of saving paper, why not try an e-receipt? E-receipts are digital receipts that are sent to customers electronically via…, An easy swap to try at home is washing your clothes in cold water instead of hot water. It conserves energy by not using as much power to heat the…, Another laundry related energy saver is to skip the dryer and take those clothes outside. You can hang your laundry on a clothesline or rack and go…, Paper towels are convenient, but they have a huge impact on the environment. They also produce a large amount of waste. Switching to reusable…, This might be a tougher one to stick to, and even a little intimidating at first, but planning out your meals can benefit your health, your wallet,…, Another small and impactful step for reducing waste is replacing items in your home with reusable counterparts. Reusable containers are eco-friendly…, Composting is fantastic for the environment! It reduces the amount of organic waste sent to landfills. Composting turns waste into nutrient-rich soil…, Another quick and easy adjustment is changing the temperature setting on your water heater. The common temperature is 140 degrees, but many household…, We want less clutter. Many of us have unwanted items to get rid of, and most of us try to knock out this task at the beginning of the year. Whether…, Many of us incorporate getting more movement in for the new year. While out on your morning walk or hike, why not take a few minutes to pick up…, A faucet that leaks at a rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water a year. That’s the equivalent of 180 showers! If you…, Choosing eco-friendly New Year’s  resolutions can have a significant positive impact on our planet. By incorporating these greener resolutions,…
When it comes to disposing of food waste, many of us have developed the habit of simply rinsing it down the kitchen sink. However, food items can…
Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) come from meat fats, shortening, butter, margarine, gravy, and condiments like mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, and sour…, While coffee grounds may appear harmless, they can clump together and create a thick sludge in your drains. Instead of pouring them down the sink,…, During the holidays, no single ingredient is used more than eggs. From every dish cooked to every dessert baked, and even for snacks in between, eggs…, Peels from fruits and vegetables may seem harmless, but they really are not. Instead, utilize these peels by incorporating them in recipes, making…, Curbing the habit of tossing everything down the drain is a great way to make sure your pipes are ready for the holiday season, but maintaining your…
Enjoy being outdoors without those pesky pests!
Whether it’s your front yard, backyard, flower beds, or vegetable gardens—there are ways to stop the pests while you Take Care of Texas! In this blog…, Not all insects are pests, so do your research before using pesticides in your yard. Below are the top 10 common Texas yard pests you should watch…, Pesticides can be effective at wiping out pests, but rarely provide long-term solutions. Pesticides may create additional problems by wiping out…, In addition to wreaking havoc on beneficial insects, plants, and animals, pesticides can also have a negative impact on our water system and your…, you want to be proactive in your yard and reduce the need for pesticides, here are some tips to prevent pests before they become a problem: Irrigate…, Agricultural chemical products are used in Texas and throughout the United States to control pests and increase crop yields. The Texas…, Again, we encourage you to do your research and take proactive steps before using pesticides. Here are some additional resources on pesticides so you…
Soon the leaves will start to fall. But before you start raking and bagging them for your curbside garbage pickup, there may be more…
When the leaves start to fall in our tepid Texas autumn, it leaves (pun intended) many of us with the dilemma of what to do with them all. Many…, A small amount of leaves left lying on your lawn can be beneficial. It insulates the ground, keeping the soil from drying out or freezing. It can…, One strategy is to mow over your leaves, as they lay, with a mulching lawn mower. Chopping them up allows the leaf pieces to fall between the…, Another option is to collect the leaves and use them as mulch. Here again, you can use a mulching lawn mower with the bag attached. Mow over the…, If you rake and collect your leaves, consider working them directly into your flower bed soils. A thick, six-to eight-inch layer of leaves tilled…, Composting leaves is another great (and green!) way to use them. A healthy compost pile has a 50/50 ratio of browns and greens. Your leaves, along…, For those who live in a city or suburb, your local garbage service may have a “Greens Pickup” event. This means that you can leave out your bagged…, It may sound a little crazy, but it’s possible that you could find someone who actually wants to take your bags of leaves. If you live close to a…, When leaves and grass clippings blow into the streets they usually end up in our storm drains,  eventually clogging the system and causing…
As every resident of this state knows, Texas is the best place on Earth. So celebrate this Earth Day by Taking Care of Texas right where you are!…
1. Start a compost bin or pile at home for food waste and compostable materials. To get started, check out this composting video, as well as this…, 7. Don't dump fats, oils, and greases (FOG) down the drain. FOG in the drain leads to clogged pipes and contaminated water. Collect FOG in a sealable…, 14. Want to prevent waste from heading straight for the landfill? Use this Texas School Recycling Guide to get you started. It’s a great resource…