Does your school recycle? If so, you can research the items that your area does and does not accept and educate your classmates about the proper…
It’s easier to tackle going green with others! By forming a club at your school, you’ll be able to get more projects accomplished and brainstorm new…
Whenever you start stocking up on supplies for the school year, consider purchasing materials that are recycled. Almost every type of paper product…
A great way to care for nature is by planting a garden! Gardens are great places to learn about different plants and how they grow. They also provide…
Find creative ways to drive less, especially for short trips and traveling alone. Share a ride with a friend or coworker, combine all your errands…
If your “check engine” light is on, get your vehicle serviced as soon as possible.
Tires lose pressure over time, so check the pressure on all four of your tires once a month. The label located on the edge of the driver’s door will…
By following the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule and using the recommended grade of motor oil for your vehicle, can improve fuel…
Refuel in the late afternoon or evening, which reduces the likelihood of ground-level ozone formation. When filling your vehicle’s gas tank, don’t…
Complete the form below and join the movement now. By taking this pledge, you…
Take Care of Texas is a statewide campaign from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). TCEQ—the state’s environmental agency—created…
Avoid idling whenever possible. You’ll reduce fuel costs and help keep the air clean. Idling longer than 30 seconds wastes more fuel than restarting…
The next time you’re shopping for a vehicle, consider the benefits of one with a high fuel-economy rating.
Safe, patient driving can save a lot on fuel costs and emissions. Beyond 50 miles per hour, your car becomes less and less efficient. Sudden stops…
Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones. Hauling cargo on your roof increases wind resistance and lowers fuel economy…