Oil-based paints are hazardous for their flammable characteristics and may contain toxic solvents such as xylene and toluene. Water-based paints are less hazardous, however, they may contain ingredients that can be harmful to your health.
The good news is that partially used paint can last years when stored properly! To extend the life of your paint:
1. Cover the opening with plastic wrap.
2. Put the lid over the plastic wrap, ensuring it's on securely.
3. Turn the can upside down. The paint creates a seal around the secure lid, keeping it fresh until you need it again.
If your can is less than one-fourth full, remove the lid and place the can in a well-ventilated area, allowing the paint to dry out. Once dry, throw the can in the trash.
For cans of paint that are more than one-fourth full, consider donating it to friends or family rather than disposing of it. If you can’t find anyone to use the paint, check your area for Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection events or disposal locations.