With the help of their respective scout troops, siblings Johnathan and Ava Bayless from League City designed, constructed, and installed three bat houses in a nearby park. These
houses can each shelter up to 300 Mexican free-tailed bats. This bat house project was also how Johnathan earned his Eagle Scout rank!
A local home improvement store donated nearly all of the materials used in the project. After measuring, cutting, and ripping cedar wood, scouts from Troops 603 and 715 helped Johnathan and Ava assemble the bat houses.
Once the houses were pieced together, Johnathan coordinated with League City park officials to install the houses in three different locations throughout Lynn Gripon Park. With the aid of scout leaders, city employees, and their fellow scouts, the Bayless kids dug the holes, planted the posts, and secured them with concrete.
It may take a year or two for the bats to find their new luxury condos (overlooking prime real estate, no less!). Once they do, they’ll undoubtedly stay for many years.
We certainly hope the bats stick around, too! These bats mostly eat insects, but they are also efficient pollinators. Protecting wildlife and encouraging pollination are two important ways to Take Care of Texas!
Watch this video to learn more about the Bayless’ bat house project.