Are you tired of the junk mail madness? How much paper is being wasted? What can you do about it?

According to the US Postal Service , Americans received over 66 billion pieces of marketing mail in 2021 alone. Much of that paper ends up in landfills. Of course, it’s always better to recycle this paper, but there’s a better way to reduce waste: stop it from being sent to you in the first place!
If you’re receiving junk mail and want to opt out, here are some resources to help you do that:
Your personal information is a desired commodity for marketers and even scammers. Here are some quick tips to help:
The paper mail you throw away likely goes to your local landfills, unless it’s recyclable where you live. Junk mail is such an issue that many cities have resources to help you opt-out of mail. Check your city’s website, or the links below for information specific to where you live: