There are lots of ways to get around the great state of Texas, but with the transportation being one of the leading sources of emissions each year, it’s up to us to find more environmentally friendly ways of getting around town.

There are lots of ways to get around the great state of Texas, but with the transportation being one of the leading sources of emissions each year, it’s up to us to find more environmentally friendly ways of getting around town.
Here’s a list of the different ways you can travel in Texas, and how each impacts the environment.
This one might be a given, but walking and biking don’t produce any emissions, since they are both powered by your body! Find restaurants, grocery stores, and other businesses in your local area to limit how often you drive.
If you live in or near a metropolitan area of Texas, odds are you have several types of public transportation available. Buses are great ways to travel around cities and save you the hassle of driving yourself. Wondering what programs are available in your city? Visit the Texas Department of Transportation’s Public Transportation webpage to learn more!
Many cities now allow private companies to supply electric bikes and scooters for pedestrians in their area. These services allow you to move around quickly from one location to another, while typically paying by the amount of time you’ve checked out the vehicle.
While Texas does not have a high-speed rail, a project is underway to add a line between Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. The project, called Texas Central, is set to open in 2026 and is based off an existing high-speed rail that connects the cities of Tokyo and Osaka in Japan. The rail is estimated to emit 1/12th the carbon dioxide of a Boeing B777. The rail also hopes to eliminate traffic congestion on Interstate-45.
There are several existing commuter train lines that crisscross the state, providing access to many areas of Texas. Companies like Amtrak, the Trinity Railway Express, and others provide access along many heavily trafficked routes. Amtrak’s “The Texas Eagle” runs daily from San Antonio to Chicago, running along the I-35 corridor through the heart of Texas. It also connects with a commuter line that runs to Los Angeles.
While driving a personal vehicle is not always the best choice for the environment, there are several ways to make your drives a bit “greener.” One way is by keeping your car properly maintained and by carpooling with others whenever possible.
You might’ve thought that flying would be better for the environment than a personal vehicle, due to the considerable number of passengers on most commercial flights, however this is not the case. Flying has one of the highest amounts of emissions compared to other methods of personal transportation. Interested in calculating the emissions of your upcoming flight? Use the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Emissions Calculator to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per passenger.
Overall, evaluating how you travel around your community is a great start to making positive environmental changes. Try seeing if a coworker lives near you and would like to carpool or research your local bus routes to work or school. There are many small changes we can make to our daily lives that can help Take Care of Texas!