The winter season is not usually the time of the year people think of when deciding to plant vegetables. However, for some hardy vegetables, this is the perfect time to get them in the ground and ready for an early spring harvest. Here are some tips and tricks that will make planting these vegetables easier every winter.
The first tip is to choose your vegetables wisely. This is just as important as how you care for them during the ever-changing winter months. Vegetables that can flourish during long cold spells, such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, lettuce, and cabbage, can be planted in early September and in intervals throughout the winter. These types of vegetables can produce food well into the spring months. They are also easy to find in local nurseries, so there is no need to work on sprouting seeds. It would also be helpful to check out a planting calendar for your specific area. The Farmer’s Almanac website allows you to choose a city and then provides a detailed calendar of when certain vegetables can be planted and harvested.