Q: The goals of the Take Care of Texas program are to encourage Texans to conserve water, conserve energy, keep air clean, and keep water clean. How does your company support these goals?
A: I am always looking for new ways to create change in my business, personal life, and my community. In my home and business, I work to reduce plastic use by finding alternative products and making a lot of my own. I also have reduced the amount of waste produced in both home and business and have reached a goal of only taking garbage to the curb once a month. (Next goal: once every six weeks.)
I also compost all food scraps to keep them out of the landfills, recycle appropriately, and keep the thermostat set lower in the winter and higher in the summer. All shipments sent out from SeaGreen are packaged in recyclable paper packaging and use recyclable sticker labels.
I also reuse boxes when I can to reduce the amount of new material being used and donate from every sale made to help reforest our planet one tree at a time. In my community I continue to share the importance of living more sustainably and share tips with neighbors and other businesses.
Q: What benefits does your company receive from the measures above?
A: The benefits that I receive for myself and my company are first and foremost the knowledge that what I am doing contributes to the betterment of our planet. I hold hope that we can make a change for future generations. But I also save a lot of money. Reducing the amount of plastic I bring into my home has caused me to find alternative ways to clean and to prepare and store food. This change has made a huge difference in how much money I spend on food and other household items.
I have reduced electric and water bills by reducing the amount of energy and water used. I have also benefited by becoming more involved and invested in my local community. It's a wonderful feeling when people come back to you and share the changes they have made in their lives from past conversations.